Monday, January 28, 2008


First, go to (THIS IS THE ONLY TIME YOU ARE ALLOWED TO GO TO THIS SITE) and search the following novels for a quick revie of what novel you would enjoy reading.

Kite Runner
The Things They Carried
Handmaid's Tale
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
To Kill a Mockingbird
Lord of the Flies

What do you think we should do for the next quarter?

Option One:
Read a novel together. I only have class sets so all reading would be done in class. (Some of you may be excited about this, but keep in mind how boring that would be.)

Option Two:
The class would be broken up into Literature Circles and grouped by novel. You would be reading what you want and would be responsible for conducting your own group discussions.

Tell me which novel you would like to read AND which option you would like to do. BE SPECIFIC AND THOROUGH IN YOUR ANSWER.


Dietz said...

I think that we should read Lord of the flies. becquse i love that book it is great to go through what all of those children go through and to see how they change over the time of them being on the island. I stillfeel really bad for Piggy. Even though i have already read it i would love tp read it again i also have read to Kill a mockingbird and Kite Runner But if i really had to choose i would read to kill a mockingbird again because i really rallly love that book the message behind it all and how it shows how people back then were really treated. Plus i think Atticus Finch has alot of amazing quotes and is very wise
i think we should read it together in class because these books can get confusing sometimes and you describe them so well.

L's Army said...

You know, they do keep a pretty strict watch over what goes up on Wikipedia.

Personally, I'd enjoy reading either Handmaid's Tale, Lord of the Flies, The Things They Carried. Handmaid's Tale because dystopian societies are always interesting to read about, and I'm interested to see how long it would take for certain higher-ups to whisk it out of school and into the burn pile. The Things They Carried because I'm interested in Vietnam war, and know people planning on signing up for military work for a plethora of the wrong reasons. Lord of the Flies because it's just amazing.

If we read The Kite Runner, I reserve the right to complain for the entire unit, and you'll all listen to me and you'll all love it. : )

~unsociable*molly~ said...

I agree with dietz,reading to kill a mocking bird in class, together would be awsome.Our class can bond together like a family and read together,how fun.

your*mom said...

I think we should read The Handmaids tale. I feel that if we do option two no one will stay on task and actually get work done. Since the beginning of the year i don't like group projects because not everyone does the work so i think we should read the book as a class, option one.

CLN123 said...

I think we should read To Kill a Mockingbird. It sounds really intresting and ive heard from other people that it is a really good book. Next quarter I think we should deffinetly do option one.

seashell said...

I think that we should do option two. Just becuase I want to read To Kill a Mockingbird and I don't know if everyone wants to read it.

lisa said...

For the next quarter I think we should read To Kill a Mockingbird or Kite Runner. In class I think we should use literature circles, it would make reading more interesting and enjoyable.

Kara said...

I would love to read Kite Runner. I heard from other people that is really good. Also I read the beginning of the book and it grabs the reader's attention. It is interesting to read about the hardships and culture of the middle east The Handmaid's Tale is interesting. The plot sounds really good but, i don't like the era the book is written in. As for the options i would rather do option two. I like reading to myself instead of reading as a class. i'm not saying that reading out loud is a problem but, we already did that. I think we should try something new.

BaerBaer said...

i think we shoudl read lord of the flies. it sounds like a good book to read. it sounds like something interesting to read. i'm not to sure how i would want to read it though because to read it in class is boring but who really has time out side of school?

Jake the snake said...

No. Not Lord of the flies... please no. If we read that book we have to watch the movie too - the movie is great (I haven't read the book)... What if we just watched the movies instead of reading books!? 'd be very nice! high five

bees4everLOL said...

I think the circles are a good idea but it won't work. reading together in class is better also because i liked the hidden symbols and themes you tell us about but on the other hand it would be interesting to discover them by ourselves.
the kite runner sounds interesting (sorry l's army). The handmaid and lord of the flies are fine with me, too (they would fit good to fahrenheit 451 - they are all about different societys)

amy said...

i would like to read either Kite Runner or To Kill A Mockingbird. They both seem like really good books, and i have heard from others that they are really interesting books. As for the options I would rather do option two. I think in literature circles we could focus more on the novel and people would actually stay awake during the class period. Plus we have already done option one, so lets switch it up.

stupidgirl said...

i think we should read to kill a mockingbird or kite runner... i want to read both but i know i never will. i dont know about the options well pry end up doing #1 because i dont think #2 will work but well see.

DAMSER said...

i diffenetly think that option one is better because opition two not all of the group stays on task and mostly a couple people just do the work while others just talk aobt other stuff rather than talkin about the book. the book that looked good was Kite Runner.

ThunderStorm said...

I really don't like to read at all but I f I were to read anything I would rather To Kill a Mocking Bird. I guess it sounds like it would be the most interesting out of them all.

Yoda said...

I think Handmaid's tale would enjoyable to read. I think option one would be the best because the book is easier to understand as a class.

Chrissi said...

Personally i dont want to read to kill a mocking bird. my one friend was telling me "its such a good book its such a good book" so i read a couple chapters and could not get into it, i didnt like it... i really did NOT like it. I would rather read kite runner it already snatched my attention, and i personally want to read it in class, because what if we dont understand it and we dont have the WONDERFUL geisty to help us understand. :)

Geist said...

So what is the option you are choosing? Would more of you like to do OPTION ONE or OPTION TWO?

GriffinDork said...

i agree with dietz. we should. it sounds more interesting than reading another book about race, or war or something stupid like that, no offense. and i think option two would be fun. if we got to pick our own groups. said...

We should read either lord of the flies or kite runner. Both are good books or seem to be. And less boring. In order to keep me interested i can't get bored. And i think we should read the book that is chose together. Because when we get confused then you help us understand it more.

L's Army said...

Option one. Nobody's going to stay on task with option two.

Levitas Navarius said...

Don't really have an opinon but geist is flipping out about posting here so yeah there you go geist lol jk um i would perfer The things they carried but whatever. Option 2 sounds good but so does communism on paper anyway.

Dusky Twilight said...

Lets read "To kill a mockingbird" hands down. its a classic, not to mention kite runner is very depressing.... >.<

The Ghost said...


Alfalfa Jr said...

Option two would be less boring and more interactive. I dont really care about which book

Sanitarium said...

Im too lazy to search on wikepedia. but i think we should read together in the class so i dont have to take a retarded book home and actually read it. I heard To kill a mockingbird is a good book.lets read that one.

pookie said...

I think that reading Lord of The Flies would be okay.But any book u chose would be decent.But it seems more interesting then all the others.I also think we should do option one because i like to read books and a literature circle doesnt sound much fun to me.

the bandit said...

I believe that these are both horrible ideas. you should just go rethink your life. Well maybe you don't have to go that far but at least come up with some bettter stuff. I think we shoud just go down to margaritaville just forget about this whole english thing.

The Ghost said...

i do not like either of these choices especially the literature circles i mean that might be the worst idea i ever heard the only thing that we should do is chill and play some call of duty 4

KULL said...

My thought would be lord of the flies and I would like to do the group work. But only if I am put into a group that I have friends in otherwise I would rather read in class.

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

i don't care but how about lord of the flies just becuase it gets violent and interseting.

GOD said...

I think that we should just read The Lord of The Flies because it seems likke a decent book and I know that it is a shorter book and I dont peticularly like longer books. I would also pick choice 1 because I get tired of people who complain about not understanding what the book is about and if you read with us then you could explain it to them and that would make me happy not having to hear them complain.

sasquatch 08 said...

i would have to pick option two. were the class will be broken up into groups. and the novel i would like to read would be to kill a mockingbird because it is a really good novel.

#one said...

I think we should go with option two and we should read Haroun and the Sea of Stories because i love it.


I think we should read a Dr. Suess novel because they are interesting and educational

the66omen6 said...

To be completly honest with you Geist...... No books should be read..... I like reading books when i am bord.... since there is alot going on with school and work and house issues..... i think i will pass.... but if i have to choose.... i pick #1

All will perish in hell if you go to the Seinor Dinner Dance.... jk jk

Double T #2 said...

I think we should read the book the Lord of The Flies and we should do option #1 because I rather not read in groups.

Ricky said...

I think we should read haroun and the sea of stories because it seems the most interesting on Also, option 2.

okaykaykay said...

i would pick option two. im not up for being bored in one of miss. geist's classes! it doesnt make sense so option two is it.but the only thing is is that i would like to pick groups cuzz i do not like very many people in my class AT ALL!!! so yea option two if i can pick my group :) i would like to read kite runner i heard it was a good book. english honors with propp read it and i heard it was good so that would be the book i would like to read..there is a movie to it now it would be interesting.

BeeSlayer5000 said...

I would say Lord of the Flies since it's the least horrible of the these novels. I would also choose option three: forget the reading, we'll watch the movie.

StarktheShark said...

I think we should read Haroun and the Sea of Stories because it seems interesting.I like reading books about other cultures and reading about how other people live.We are so stuck in our own worlds that we sometimes forget about the different cultures there are. i also think we should read in groups that way we can all read something were interested in and no one will fall asleep in class because we will all be able to discuss our feelings about the book instead of just listening to one person read all class. i think it will also improve our understanding of the book because when i listen to one person read all class i tend to zone out...

alyssa*ashley said...

i would go with either lord of the flies or the handmaid's tale, as for the class options i am more of an independent reader and both choices are group reading either with the whole class as a group or smaller groups, so it wouldn't really matter to me but i think it would probably be more interesting to read in smaller groups.

bandits.on.a.power-play said...

I really don't know which one to chose, except don't chose of the first 3-4 books, they just sound really and boring. like incredibly boring. but either of the 2 choices sounds good, but i think i would like to do the 2nd choice. the one with the group reading. that one sounds pretty good to me. but then again i may get bored reading with my group of the people in the group don't want to read, so maybe just the clas reading together is ok.

lallo said...

I would like to read Lord of the Flies because i haven't read that book yet, but i would read How to kill a mockingbird again. I think we should have literature circles,i bet 10% of the class would actually pay attention.

displayname said...

Lord of the Flies seems like a good book to read. out of all the summaries i read this one was more interesting to me. i would go with option 1 but you know my class geist and it would just be lame. so option 2 im going with option 2. just stick me with people that i will get along with

Thalptid said...

I vote for no reading, but if we have to option 2

Thalptid said...

And with paige in my group

paigeisgod said...

i would either like lord of the flies or the haroun but the haroun sounds really easy, its a childrens novel. i think we should just read in class because it seems thats the only thing we can do. no one reads it alone and if we do groups people who are friends will just pick the same group and do nothing and then rely on the smart person for tests. so lord of the flies, together.

boy u stank take a bath said...

I think that we should read Lord of the Flies, The Kite Runner, or Haroun and the Sea of Stories.
I also think that the book should be read as a class although it gets very boring I like having the teacher explain and emphasize important scenes.

-[]-[]-<>[]-[]- said...

if i had to read a book it would have to be lord of the flies. i would like to read this book only because i have seen the movie but i would like to read the book because i heard it was better when you red the book. and i would have to pick choice two because i like discussions and that would be better then reading the whole time.

MarSean23 said...

none of these books sound very interesting to me i guess if we had to pik 1 i would choose lord of the flies..

Alax said...

it really doesn't to me what book we read cuz i prolly wont like it anyways but i would rather read with the class as a whole instead of individually...

lifes a garden dig it..

saltine said...

doesnt matter what we read were not going to get anything from the book no one pays attention and its just not worth the time

dog lover said...

i do not care what book but the group thing would be okay as long as the people in the group do not just sit around and do nothing like they always do.

Baby Girl 2008 said...

I think that if we do idea #2 that we should have a grade for group work and a individual grade. So then that you knu for your own good that everybody is doing there job as SENIOR LIKE WE ARE !! Not LIttle 1st grader that some of use they still in. LOl.

georgia said...

i would like option two but would should have a group grade.

Baby Girl 2008 said...

We should read the book To Kill A Monkingbird. That book was the great book of all times . To Kill A Monkingbird. Ok that would be great. we should read it in a group then you knu who is doing their JOB AS A SENIOR!!!!!!$$$$**

Baby Girl 2008 said...

We should read the book To Kill A Monkingbird. That book was the great book of all times . To Kill A Monkingbird. Ok that would be great. we should read it in a group then you knu who is doing their JOB AS A SENIOR!!!!!!$$$$**