Wednesday, March 05, 2008

He Said What?!

As I am sitting here debating what the Hades to put on our Blog, my friend Jill is telling me about her day at school. (I really need to get a computer so I can do these at home!)

Jill was doing a math lesson on money. She was showing the kids on the board how to write dollar amounts using decimals. (Remember, she teaches second graders.) One of the students informed her that he had to move from where he was sitting. He told her, "I had to move over." Jill responds with, "Oh, that's fine. As long as you can see."

The kicker response: "Yeah. I couldn't see 'cuz your big, fat booty was in the way!"

(Mind you, Jill is stick thin so it makes it just makes the comment 1000 times more hysterical.)

What is the funniest comment you ever heard someone say to someone else?

BE APPROPRIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Alfalfa Jr said...

Definatly this period when Vinnie said he gets anything he wants and matt responded with "except more than 3 kills in C.O.D."

chadjohnson said...

everyday when chad asks vinnie for a picture to prove everything he says

Sanitarium said...
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the bandit said...

While in Mr. Smith's goverment class, he was complaining about watching his kids on his day off and said that when they are older he won't have to worry about them putting their hand in the garbage disposal. And i replied "thats a mistake you'll only make twice."

Double T #2 said...
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Geist said...

Bandit, that is a good one.

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

I haven't heard anything funny lately. I see funny commercials and Family Guy, but that's about as hiterical as it gets.

Sanitarium said...

My post got uhh....He said....your mom is fat.

the66omen6 said...

nah./.. nothing too funny... noone really makes me laugh latly... Maybe my laugh box is broken...(thats from spongebob... My lil sister is in love with that little yellow box)

BeeSlayer5000 said...

Idk the funniest comment I've heard but some of the funniest have come from chad crassi.

Geist said...

Well here is a Shakespearean insult that was said to me:

"Thou yeasty, empty-hearted hedge-pig."

This was said by Thalptid. Meanie.

paigeisgod said...

when i made a three legged turtle in ceramics and then talked like the old man on family guy with it

saltine said...

person 1) i dont like giong in the back

person 2) thats what he said

this is not a sexual joke. person one is talking about going in the back of a store to emtpy the garabage and person 2 is talking about another guy that doesnt like going in the back of the store as well

boy u stank take a bath said...

(Mind you, Jill is stick thin so it makes it just makes the comment 1000 times more hysterical.)

That is pretty funny, Geist: "it makes it just makes the..."

-[]-[]-<>[]-[]- said...

are you coming or are you just breathing hard this is something that my uncle says all the time joking around.

Baby Girl 2008 said...

All the jokes that i knu that are funny are pretty dirty cuz it from my sick friends and family . So i can't say any thing but belive me if you hear some of thing that we talk about then you be rolling on the floor. Just ask THe "TIMMY HO Crew " We talk junck all the time.!!!! lol!!!

L's Army said...

Once upon a time, a busload of young Shakespeare fans set their sights north for enlightenment. Alas, one girl wouldn't stop screaming, single-handedly sending the trip down a metaphorical sewer pipe.

And that was the happiest day of my life.

Levitas Navarius said...

? L's Army? wtf? do we want to know?