Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Is Being a Senior Making You Go Broke?" By McFeely

Being a Senior is supposed to be fun--the year to enjoy your last chance of being a kid. But with all these costly events and things we have to buy it's making students put in more hours at work. Having to pay for a cap and gown, the Senior Dinner Dance, bus tickets, class rings, yearbook, and a class hoodie, it's using up most of a student's pay check.

Putting in more hours leads to missing school events. What do you do think: Ss being a Senior making you go broke? Tell me what you think!


GriffinDork said...

senior year is deffinately and expensive one, ive had many conversations about this to various seniors.everything we have to pay for plus college is making us all poor. a note to all juniors, make sure you win the lottery before you become a senior.

Issy Lou said...

um yeah i would say so im pretty broke due to this senior year. it seems like i work alot to earn my money but by the end of the week i am always broke because i have to put away money for college. and then senior dinner dance took alot of money out of my pocket, and now this cap and gown stuff, and then senior trip...geez, yeah i feel pretty poor being a senior. wudda ya gunna do though.

Alfalfa Jr said...

like griffindork said, everything is so expensive and we have college loans we have to take out looming ahead of us. They should be working on a way to give the money left at the end of the year back to us.

the66omen6 said...

I am probably the poorest of all seniors... I run out of my weekly pay check by tuesday of each weeek. Griffindork keeps cashing me out swiss rolls and cookies that are oh too good to resist buying =P

Environmental HAZARD said...

this actually seems to be a pretty cheap year in retrospect due to future costs that will further decimate the savings

lallo said...

Senior year is definently an expersive one.There buying senior dinner dance ticket plus the dress,the hair,and the nail.Then there's the paying for cap and grown and all the packages that come with it.Having to top it all off wih having to pay for college puts a toll on everyone wallets.

pookie said...

I woud have to say so far this year had been pretty inexpensive.I mean like Senior Dinner Dnce we got really cheap cmpared to last year.And we even did more then last years class.I mean yea it does cost money to go on a trip and to buy caps and gowns.but its all worth it in the end.its not like ur money is being putto no use.

Sunshinebaby said...

def. agree but unfortunately thats the way life is. We are beginning our lives as adults and are getting a taste of what it will be like in the future. Think of it like this, adults do overtime at work and cramp together their hours so they can receive a vacation time, but the amount of time and work that they put into getting the money and time for vacation, it seems hardly enjoyable. The costs of a lot of the senior activities do cause me to not participate in them because i'm currently saving for college among everything else taking place this year. I guess it's adios childhood and hello real world! (and not the very popular but highly ridiculous "reality" series.

Ricky said...

I agree mcfeely, senior year is mad expensive. it cost a lot to drive, for dances, cap and gown, plus everything else a senior has to pay for in life. So yes, senior year is def an expensive one lol.

sasquatch 08 said...

its not really making me become broke. and no i don't put in for more hours, and it really doesn't bother me cause i have money.

KULL said...

I do feel broke. I don't have that steady of a job so I don't get paid all that much. I pay for what I can and thankfully my parents chip in for the rest.

Double T #2 said...

Senior year is definently causing me to go broke. With having to by a yearbook, class hoody, cap and gown, along with all the other stuff I have seem to run out of money and have had to spend more time at work.

#one said...

I dont think its so bad i work 4-5days a week n make pretty good money. I dont really care much about the school events any more except the senior trip. All i want is to graduate with everyone and have a good time doin it.

GOD said...

I dont think that senior year is that expensive. I have all the money need. This is a result that I dont waste my money on senior dinner dance, buses, trips, hoodies. Its all a waste of money to go and get these things. Be a smart economist. Dont waste money on needless things and if you do dont complain. That is your choice.

the bandit said...


BeeSlayer5000 said...

Lets see $27 for cap and gown, senior dinner dance was like $350 if you go balls out on buying a suit and shirt or a dress, year book is like $50, hoodie is like $20 and a class ring is like $500 max but you don't even need it. So according to my calculations if you work 6 hours a week for 26 weeks (roughly the time were in school) you can pay for all the stuff you think you need. Seriously if you can't pay for all this stuff quit spending your money on stupid bullspit.

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

I don't like to benifit this school more than I need to so I don't attend anything. My money is for me. Plus college.

L's Army said...

Anime will be the financial death of me, but I'm not going too broke over senior year. I'm opting to stay away from the frills...there's nothing more useless to me than a $500 class ring.

paigeisgod said...

my job sucks so i dont get hours but yes it is expensive. and dont forget about senior trip.

georgia said...

yea cause all the money go to the senior.

Dusky Twilight said...

Bah I don't have much money to keep spending. They give us due dates for things on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Most of us get paid on Fridays. In fact a few minutes ago I found out if you don’t finish paying up your yearbook you don’t get one. the cap and gowns are due tomorrow, I mean geeze what do we look like giant dollar bills!? I hate being a senior here we are, trying to save up books for collage, or even just a videogame we would like, but nope, its all gotta go to idiots who want to keep squeezing the money out of us. Every thing is too expensive.

-[]-[]-<>[]-[]- said...

no i get money for being native american and that pays for everything and i dont work but al the sports i play takes up alot of my time so being a senior is expensive but i can handel it.

MarSean23 said...
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MarSean23 said...

senior year is expensive but im not going broke over it.. just tough remembering all the deadlines.. but since the senior trip we wanted got turned down i wont hav 2 pay 4 that lol said...

being a senior is definately expensive. for me not only paying for all of the seniors things there are in school to pay for. i also have to pay for my phone bill and my car. so as a junior you should definately start saving like soon.

lisa said...

Senior year is like the funnest but most expensive year. Every time I work and get my check it seems like its gone by the end of the week. I always have to ask my parents for money, they must get sick of it lol. But there are so many expenses like the senior trip, cap and gown, hoodie and senior dinner dance. I can't even imagine what next year will be like when I'm at college having to pay for that on top of all living expenses.

cindy love said...

It sucks feeling like im already in the real world when still being in highschool your supposed to enjoy your last years but really you have to work for everything. It sucks but i'm not going broke.

BaerBaer said...

I total agree. everyone ha to put mor hours in just to pay for everything. besides we everything that was listen we still have that senoir trip to puy for to and to have money when we are there too.

amy said...

i agree that senior year can be an expensive one. First you have the senior dinner dance and all that comes with that, then cap and gown, yearbook, class hoodies, and the senior trip. I think the key is to start saving ahead of time for these kind of things so when they do come along you don't go broke. so some advice to the juniors start saving like now. lol

Kara said...

Senor dinner dance was cheaper then our prom last year. I thought $40 for a ticket that included Dave and Busters and our dance wasn't bad at all. The busing wasn't expensive. That thing was nice. The cap and gown i understand and yearbooks. A cap and gown is expensive when you only wear it once for graduation of course. Luckily I have one from a previous year saved and dry cleaned. The hoodies aren't too bad, but i will say that i am not going on the senior trip so that is saving me money.

Jake the snake said...

I think you're right - there is a lot of paying for all kinds of stuff... but when you're an exchange student you can't have a job so you don't feel it as much

Levitas Navarius said...

well pookie seeing as some of us actually have a life that we need to support we really can't afford some of this bull sh*t. Dude i freakin hate buying sh*t from this school. I mean come on my paychecks ain't exactly 500 a peice here. To the school board: STOP TRYING TO GET RICH OFF THE STUDENTS!!!!

stupidgirl said...

senior year definatly costs a lot of money! senior trip is probably going to take all year to save up for. by the time i want to get anything i have no money because im trying to save it which doesnt work out so well because now that i have a job my mom thinks i can afford everything.uh minimum wage doesnt work out with senior year!


Being a senior isnt making me broke because I could careless about buying a class ring,hoody and stuff like that. I just can't wait to get out of this place.