Wednesday, February 13, 2008

"Super Powers" By: Nowakowski

If you had a super power, what would it be? Be creative--no "pity powers" here.


the66omen6 said...

I don't need 'super powers' to do anyhitng. I do what I do best by nature..... I'll summon the spirits of the dead to hunt you down and tourtare your every living moments.

Alfalfa Jr said...

If I had to pick a Super power, it would be the art of persuasion. You can do anything you want with it, persuade people to do anything. of course, with great power comes great responsibility.

Double T #2 said...


the66omen6 said...

I would like to fly though. Get around faster.

Environmental HAZARD said...

if i had a superpower i would have the ability to it would be to eradicate the world of all those with superpowers them take theirs for my own personal use

Issy Lou said...

i wish i had a power that just automatically got all my school work done, and processed all of the information into my mind, so that im still learning and getting knowledge...but just faster and easier...ha.

Ricky said...

If i could have any super power it would be to teleport becuase it would be super fun you could do anything you want and not get hurt becuase you could just teleport before you get hurt. Plus id rob mad banks because you could teleport inside the vault then out. It would be sweet.

okaykaykay said...

If i had a super power i would want to be able to get through college and get a good job without the hard work. i wish i had the smarts:) life would be so much easier and so much less stressful! it would be great.

sasquatch 08 said...

if i had a super power i would pick flying so you could get around faster and not walk.

KULL said...

The super power that I would want would have to be telekenisis, being able to move objects with my mind would rock. I could move things in school without anyone knowing and scare all the people in the room.

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

I would have the power to find the 66omen6 and deport them back to Hell.

#one said...

If i could have super powers i would want to be invisible. Then no one can see me and can hide anywhere. And always win at hide and go seek.

lallo said...

If i could have a superpower it would have to be time control.Where i can stop time and speed up tme whenever i wanted. Give some time to myself. Where i can have as long as i wanted doing homework. I could go anywhere and no one would ever know i there. Be easier to rob banks or steal answer when taking test.

BeeSlayer5000 said...

I am bulrog and I have the power to have any power I want. only a few people will get this refrence

the bandit said...

the super i would wish for would to be to have all the power i wanted, more than anyone else could get. so the world wold be mine and i would make it into a gaint Dr. Pepper and sweedish fish factory

the bandit said...

on second thought, i would wish for the power to never have to take a duece, cuz those things are just pesky and annoying...not to mention time consuming

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

I know what you mean beeslayer5000

paigeisgod said...

i would have x ray vision so i could look at nowakowski's sexy body

georgia said...

no i would not like super power

-[]-[]-<>[]-[]- said...

if i had any super it would be being able to fly i would chose this because it would be alot easier to get around and i already have super strength so that was out of the question and it would be cool to fly so thats why i picked it.

Dusky Twilight said...

Control Time. I'd have a magical watch id wear around my neck to activate it. or I could magically tap into it, by doing this I could appear beside my enemies and punch then, and quickly appear on the other side to keep punching them back and forth or something, or grab them while time is slow, and slam them into a wall. With that speed it would hurt. XD maybe I’m a little to weird... lol


MarSean23 said...

marsean dont need any super powers lol

L's Army said...

I would love the power to transform into any animal, Animorphs style. Invisibility would be nice, too.

Kara said...

If i were to have a super power it would be to read minds or manipulate people's memories. I picked read minds as my first choice because i to know what people are thinking all the time. Like what a person's thoughts are about me or anyone else's appearances. The manipulating memories is like say you did something really stupid, I could control a person's memory to either put something good and positive or make them forget it all together.

bees4everLOL said...

i sometimes think it would be cool to be able to just turn back time and do something over again (when you do or say something stupid)

BaerBaer said...

if i had a super power i wouldn't just want one i would want all of them. i would be the altimit super hero! from flying to running fast;from levitaion to meat vision. i would want it all not just one.

Jake the snake said...

I would definately wanna be like superman... Cause superman is so cool

Levitas Navarius said...

if i had a power it would be to grant wishes. Think about it then i can grant my own and hell everybody would want to see me for wishes.

~unsociable*molly~ said...

i would like to be able to instantly be in anyplace i wanted to at any would save a lot of gas money and be verry convienent in etting out of wierd situations.

the66omen6 said...

Hellblazer... No amount of power you have or will ever aquire can send me to hell. I OWN hell so good luck sending me there. I'll make your arrival there shorter than you think.

Levitas Navarius said...

My power would be to have an animal compaignion like a wolf that would be with me always. Plus I could spell.