It is my opinion that it is not fair that we are getting punished for what the class of 2007 did for pranks last year so this year's Seniors have no privliges at all.
Do you think Senior pranks are harmless? Do they go too far? Should they be allowed? Think about this topic from all sides--administration, students and teachers.
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I agree that part of the reason we have zero senior perk is last year's senior class...not sure why, though, because their pranks were hardly Bart Simpson level. The other reason probably comes from dear old Dr. Duddles and his reign of failure. Honestly, that man makes it easy to say good-bye to Gowanda.
Let's be sure to make it a senior prank week to remember!
bah this year has had nothing but problems put on them. they took away the senior lounge. we werent allowed to have it! >.< and now the pranks are banded? screw that -.- This school is going down the drain. whats going to happen to next years senoirs. i demand they stop takeing things away from us. next thing you know they'll take away the thing where seniors can leave 5 minutes before their lunch period is over. gah. not fair at all!
thats about all we get is the lunch thing, and its not even a privilege because half the other classes do it too. the senior lounge, yeah right. and now we cant even go to florida, thats where we want to go and we cant because of stupid reasons, if money is an issue that sucks because our class has more than any other class even more than last years class. we should be able to go where we want. i dont wanna go to nyc, i live in new york, thats going to be so dumb. but whatever.
i cant wait to leaveeeee!!!
Yea a few things we have been banned from this year:
1. A senior lounge (taken my ms ryan's office [band teacher] whose office was taken to be used as a conference room about 3 times a month
2. we can leave lunch 5 minuytes early-last year and the years before it was 10!
3. No senior prank?..thats crap. There is always going to be a senior prank, without one would be un-traditional. They cant stop the senior prank, all they are doing is making people even angrier with the administration.
i love this blog...where should i start?...yes, it is very unfair that we are now unable to go to florida for OUR SENIOR trip!!! so dumb!!! i mean yes i have been out of the state for vacations and what not but what about those who havent and were wishing that the senior trip would be their time? and now that chance is taken away from them because why? it is our money! whatever! and the senior lounge so dumb dude! but there's nothing we can do about that either just gotta sit in 207 with all the stinky underclassmen i guess....whatever!haha oh and now no senior pranks? eeeffffff that!!! we have been looking forward to a dramatic ending to our high school lives for years now and we are not about to let that get robbed form us for sure! i believe that if it is safe and harmless to others then it should be okay. if its messy we clean it up..obviously. we jsut want to have a little bit of fun at least...:)
We don't get anything. It's a load of BS, man. It only takes one jack@ss to ruin everything.
This year seinor pranks... I dont have any ideas... If you do lemme know. ~pope~
I do think it is extremly retarded that we got no privliges this year cause of the morons last year. They shouldn't take stuff from us for something we didn't do... there is one thing imma do before this year is over.... I think whoever made us have no privliges is a complete retard. I dont care who took them away. i feel strongly that we deserve the same privliges the other classes had.
Yeah we pretty much got screwed over on senior priveliges this year. Their supposed to make our senior year enjoyable, and we have what, One privelege. Thats dumb.
you guys talk about the lounge i forgot about that and the 5 minutes earlier leaving lunch.... Dr Porfesion mr dude anderson took that from me already... I donno about you guys but imma get a great prank set up The one thing they will not be able to avoid.
Go seinors!!!
Yea we did get skimped on the whole privledges thing but I'm not going to complain. Since you can't complain if you can do something about it. So quit your beachin or get a petition to remedy this crap.
yea we are get puishment for what last year senior did.
your senior year is suppose to be fun but this year sucks. we are not allowed to do anything at all this year. we cannot even do senior pranks then what is the point of senior pranks when you cant even do them.for the people who want to know we have no privilege's is because of last years seniors with the smoke bomb that is why so we are getting punished for what they did that is not fair at all. we are not allowed to go to florida now this year sucks but we cannot do anything about it at all.
i think senior pranks arent harmful because they are usually lame. if the school already knows and no one will be there to see it, its not cool. i think it has to be funny, a surprise but still harmless
ya we dont have any thing to do but i dont care cause im almost out of here
Yes this year suck knu right to any thing na da thing!!!! we can't go to florida and knu senior perk ya ok whateve senior have had that for years and years!!!! Come on i feel that just because of some bad apple don't mean we are going to the same . I think it TIME TO SAY GOOD BYE TO ALL THE BAD RULE AND LET THE SENIOR HAVE FUN IN A GOOD WAY THAT We ALL WILL LOVE AND ENJOY!!!!! CLASS OF 2008 ROCKS 4 LIFE!!!!!
Senior pranks are harmless. as long as you don't go to far. there's a fine line between joking around and going to far to prove your point. I think we should be able to have senior pranks theyv been around for years why stop now.
its not are fault for what the nasty class of 2007 did i think pranks are harmless and people should get a life and lighen up we were all kids at one point have some fun once in your life.
Its absolutely rediculous that the school can't lighten up for one time of the year when the senior pranks come. It's their last year and a few harmless pranks wouldn't hurt. Our school is getting too into authority it makes me laugh. Like us not being able to take a plane on our senior trip? Thats so retarded and im SO SO happy im out of here
Senior pranks aren't usually intended to actually harm someone just make a lasting impression so yeah i would say there harmless and honestly I don't see our class backing out of senior pranks just because someone said there banned lol, you only get like a day oof ISS or whatever so I think we should do what we want.
yes; this year we have been punished, compared to other years we can't do anything. the only thing we get to do is leave lunch early, big deal. when we were freshmen the seniors did whatever they wanted. and the whole thing with senior pranks..i don't think it's going to stop anyone from our class. we don't do pranks to harm anyone we do it for fun and for something great to be remembered by. all the classes have done it before us, and i don't think it will stop this year.
i think senoir pranks are harmless and i think the school is truely messed up for punishing us for what 2007 students did!! senoir pranks have been going on for centurys and they shouldn't be punushed now. the administration just can't remeber there senoir year! think of all the crap thy did!now how can they stop us??? i think our school is starting to just simply become a dictatorship! we have no say in anything, no freedom, no choice.
I'm doing the damn prank anyway. If intersted let me know thinkin about some flags and body chalking. ill let ya'll know
ok new consept. When in the nine hells did we need permission to do anything? come on in my personal opinoin we should cover the school parking lot with bodies and then the usual "class fo 08 rocks" and stuff like that. We are not going to ask permission to do anything. Personally I think anyone that goes too far should be punished but not all of us. I'm gettin a flag that says kill em all let god sort em out and flying it upside down. Nah just kiddin. But what we should do is have a bunch a people do burn outs in the parking lots and all that jazz. Now that's a middle finger to the system.
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