Wednesday, February 13, 2008
"Are School Lunches Terrible?" By: boyustanktakeabath
Do you feel that the school lunches suck? There are no chocolate chip cookies or assorted ice cream desserts being sold. Should the school dictate how you and other students eat? How should the school lunches be better improved? Or are you content with the meals that are served?
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Please, don't get me started on the so-called "health policy." Our food looks like it came off the floor; I can say without hyperbole that I'm afraid to eat some of it. It's just proof of how much of an underfunded sack our school is, in the guise of healthy eating. It's why I still lug around a lunchbag at 18 years old.
Besides, there are still plenty of fat students. You can't stop people from going out and stuffing themselves with McDonald's and chocolate cake the moment the bell rings.
Hmph, i hate the school lunchs. looking back on 5th grade when the pizza was greesey was a sign that our food was good. now its slop. The state sets regulations but i aslso blame the cafetira on the bad tasteing food. My mom is a lunch worker, she say's the Head lunch lady could do better ordering diffrent food that they set, but nope the lady orders this vommited up horse crap we call lunch food. I honestly will skip lunch all together or get an apple. She thinks because people buy it we'll eat it. We don't. The stupid lunch lady dosent get it.
I'm content with school lunches, they're certainly no 5 star meal but they could use improvement. It's because of the health policy that are food is less than average, but when kids still get double lunches it's not helping their weight. Kids who eat fatty foods will eat fatty foods making one meal healthy out of their entire day will not help them lose weight.
They should def. bring back the snack bar, those cookies were the $h!t. if kids are getting fat maybe we should just have them take two or more gym classes instead of one.
school a topic we've all discussed many different times throughout our many years of school. some are good but most are bad. like the chicken patty burrito and pizza, we all like those, but nobody likes the gross turkey and whatever else thats in there. but im deffinately not owrried about cookies or ice cream, i just want a decent meal and thats about it.
i miss the chocolate reese pieces cookies we used to have and just eating a bag of 5 of those for $1.30 instead of getting the gross lunch. i also miss having pepperoni on the pizza and butter on the bagels!
I gotta say this school sucks so bad when it comes to school lunches. The gulosh looks like freakin two week old meat covered in lumpy tomato sauce. The fish is far too crunchy..... True story here... the fish thing is always crunchy.. A freind of mine bought a cheese and egg bagle and the cheese was literally half on and half out of the bun. The side of the cheese was in the midding of the cheese and egg bagle... the cheese wasn't melted. it was ice cold!!!!
i felt it with my own fingers!!!! he ased if they can microwave it and they told him that he has to eat it like that. It was solid hard cheese half on the god damn egg bagel man! So another freind of mine went in there and TOLD them to warm it up. They did til the cheese melted. I was disgusted with it....
Last word
Skool lunches are the worst they have been in years.... and it's 08's senoir year.... treat the seinors with more respect... i mean come on
well i dont eat at school. i leave befor i would have lunch so i get to go home and eat what i want for my lunch but for those of you still stuck here for the dreadful lunches...i do feel bad for you. there are only about three or four things on the menu that you all look forward to. but as for paying a penny for people get a life!!
The school lunches definatly aren't that bad. I mean who isn't psyched for taco salad thursday???...I guess the only thing I miss is how they dont name the food after the current holliday anymore haha
i think that the school lunches do suck. wish we could have some cheese ravioli from olive garden or some ace mac and cheese or something cool like that but i guess not. were stuck w/ stuff like ham, cheese, and fries. which is kinda weird combonation don't ya think? lol. but ya i honestly don't think that they should dictate how we eat, because were only in here for couple hours. they don't care wat we eat outside of school, why should they care what we eat in school!!! There's only couple things on the menu that i do like to eat. the other stuff is just kinda weird, and aren't appealing to me.
Our school lunches are nasty. I hate them, and i do not trust them. But whatever, i try to eat it anyways, cuz im not gunna starve myself over it, sometimes i do though cuz its so nasty...but come on, like if we get a sub or something and want more than ONE stupid little packet of mayo...the freak lunch lady is like "YOU NEED TO PAY EXTRA!!!" like she wants to chop my head off or something. crazy ladies. paying extra for extra mayo...and salt???? wow. ridiculous. i remember back in the day when he had awesome when we had WAFFLES!! with the wipped cream!! yummy...and the pizza was so good. mozzarala sticks! mmmmm. those were the days. now everything is crap, and supposivly "healthy"..because the school is anal about us being overweight and crap, well i cant tell u how many kids i see afterschool going to BK, tim hortons, and Mcdonalds anyways..cuz the school serves us nasty stuff. yup.
the lunches are decent. if you want something they dont provide just bring it with you.
tha school lunches r definitly nasty except the chicken patties ha n a few others but the program is ridiculous how they dont sell wut they used 2 cuz its bad for kids.. its not gonna do anything, kids r jus gonna get fattening stuff elsewhere
I think everyone knows the school lunches suck! It doesn't help that you either find hair hidden in your food or mold on your bread. That just makes it even worse! Even though our population is growing up to be obese the school should have some say but not as much as they have already.
the school lunches are so nasty they should just go back to waht it use to be like where you could get what you want if not thta would be cool if they let use leave for lunch to get what ever we wanted.
Don't you just love how they give us tiny @$$ portions thinking that it will fill us up? Or how they expect you to pay for tiny @$$ portions with an outragous price? This place sucks.
I also think the portions are too small!!!! but the quality is OK for me - at least there are always two different sides, subs and uncrustales - so there should be someting for every taste
i think the ideas behind the school lunces ar great i just think that the school choice of food sucks!!!! i think that kids should choose weather or not they want to eat healthy and i think if the school actually mad the lunches healthy but tast good more kids would have such a prbelm with it. like since when is cheese bad for you??? i think the school has just truly gotten rediculus about the food. butnot trying to be mean i'm a senoir with only alittle time to go so good luck to the rest of the school. my advise is to pack your lunch!
oh my gosh school lunches of course they are terrible they are the worst thing ever even when they get new things and they think it will make us love it more it actually just makes us think it is disgucting. they are so i dunno i think it is because it doesn't have any spices ane the meat is partially soy it is grose this is where the true meaning of mystery meat comes in!
Who ever said the school food is healthy they are so wrong. Are school food is nasty and looks like someone craped it out. They just get the cheapest food for low price. Thats how bad it is.
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