Sunday, October 28, 2007

WHAT THE *%&^!!

Censorship. Now there is an idea that has sparked much controversy over the years.

Think: Janet Jackson, Superbowl, "wardrobe malfunction"

Think: "Family Guy" and "South Park"

Think: 50 Cent's new album

How do you feel about censorship? Are we Americans -ironically- too conservative in our views of what should or should not be censored? When and where should we have censorship?


Casey Takacs said...

Censorship is a poison created to protect the shallow-minded from reality. I despise it like I despise nazis and the crust that forms in public toilets.

bees4everLOL said...

I think censorship is wrong because it makes things even more interesting!
And I don't see the problem saying SHIT!!

~unsociable*molly~ said...

I believe that censorship puts us at a disadvantage. imagine if everyone's parents sheltered them from the harsh realities of this world. They will be shocked when they are on their own. I believe censorship is neccesary for young children,and with new technology parents can control what their children watch. However,there is a time to stop ignoring the realities of this world and stop censoring anything that is unpleasent.

Levitas Navarius said...

Yo I'm not gonna lie censorship sucks because I'ma say what I'ma say. What it comes down to is the fact that people still want to hold on the the olden times when you were all right and proper. Too bad sorry those times are dead may they rest in peace, but they are gone. tough deal with it. Bees4everlol you are one funny person my friend.

lisa said...

I definately think some things are censored too much. I mean yeah things should be censored on a children's show but other than that I think the world can handle not having everything censored.

BaerBaer said...

Who cares about Censorship? In my mind "bad words" are nothing more then what people say they are. Like who says these word's are wrong. for all we know "lunch" could be a "bad word"! Who says that sh*t is a bad word and you shoudln't say it? Who has the right to say that f*ck isn't acceptable to everyone. I think people should be able to say what they want; see what they want;
hear what they want when ever they want. And if whom ever says these words are wrong dosn't like it well they can SHOVE it where the sun dose not shine.

your*mom said...

I don't think that shows that have swearing should be censored. I understand that parents do not want their children watching shows that have swearing on them but my opinion to that is then block the channel so they can't watch it. It gets really annoying when they cut certain parts of the movie out and beep out parts if they're going to do that then don't even bother putting it on T.V.

BaerBaer said...

Censorship "Elven pirate" your screen name should be Censored!!!!!!!! said...

You can go two ways with censorship. I think it's okay sometimes to have things censored like for really young kids tv shows. But teenagers don't or shouldn't need things censored. If everything was censored until you were on your own then you'd get a big shock after you were out in the real world on your own.

Levitas Navarius said...

You are not cool there "Baer Baer" I must say very crative there. NOT! yeah nice origonal post. loved it.

cindy love said...

i dont really care about censorship but family guy and south park is sweet

Jake the snake said...

Censorship?! Hello, what happened to freedom of speech and all that good stuff?? Live with a little "bad word" now and then. It will not kill you, unless you make it do.

DAMSER said...

cencorship should only be when it is on the radio. if they dont want to hear it on the tv then turn the station. its not that heard to turn the station the tv remot is in your hads alreadly. censorship is for the older people in the old times.

$ Kody Hill $ said...

I think censorship is stupid. You should be able to say what you want to say. South Park and family guy are the funniest shows on TV. It would be even funnier if the creators could say what ever they wanted.

Kara said...

i agree with your*mom lol
it is stupid to cut out swearing on television shows and movies. If a parent doesn't want their kid to watch it then block the channel and eventually they hear their parents swear and kids at school regardless. There isn't big deal their just words.

Yoda said...

Censorship I think is wrong. I see how it's neccesary for kids. Not like anyone knows about the true reality going on.

your*mom said...

I agree with bees4everlol and kody. Censorship is just retarded n if your going tp put a show on with swearing then leave it the way it is becasue it just ruins the show.

ThunderStorm said...

I think that if they were able to say what ever they wanted then there would be nothing special about any of the shows like south park and family guy.Not many shows do what they do.

trogdor said...

Censorship is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about it is that it blocks some stuff from little children. The bad is that it is used way way way to friggin much. You cant say or do anything any wheir anymore. Its way over used on everything.

Sanitarium said...

Censorship is a strong subject in america...I do not believe that censorship should be used. If they are going to put it on the damn tv they might as well leave it that way. The *peeps* coming from the tv every second makes things alot less interesting.

pookie said...

I think that censorship is necessary to a point.Many parents don't talk enough to their children about what things are.But it is necessary with little children who don't need to learn things that young teens need to.But by not censoring things it shows what the world is really like and how unpleasent it may get out their.

Kull said...

I don't feel that censorship is needed. We all use swear words all the time. If a kid learns a swear word from television it won't really matter. He or she will learn the swear word sometime in life. I don't think that censorship is doing that much good.

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Sanitarium said...
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Anonymous said...

it Sucks, and i want to know who determines this shit, why does someone get to decide what is good to watch and what isn't, i was brought up to look as violence as bad, but i seen it everyday, same with sex, who doesnt know what it is, how it looks, how it happens, its just there to piss me off, it makes things harder, and if were never exposed to things then we are all just lost, let alone alike....


Yoda, think that censorship is not right and shows like family guy and south park should be aloud to swear all they want!!

BeeSlayer5000 said...

I honestly don't see a need to shelter people from the real world by filtering what people are gonna see. They are going to see it one way or another I say show it to them when they're younger and let them adjust to it.

Issy Lou said...

Lets see...I think censorship is completely stupid because half of the shows on TV and music today use the "bad words" or talk about The shows and music that everyone gets into today have these interesting things, think about it, desperate housewives...not like i like that show anyways but my friend Steph here does. But Family Guy and South park are the shit. Oh sorry i mean, sh*t. People should watch and hear what they want to, and if they dont like it shut the damn radio or TV off. jeez. what is happening to our freedom? =]

Sanitarium said...

ANONYMOUS HELL YES. Thats what i like to here, burn the system, blow up america..suicide bomb the bank..I mean....I like your comment..nice one.

GOD said...

Censorship is crap. It is so retarded. I mean why should we censor its pointless. And if you are concerned with what children are seeing then grow up yourself i mean sweet jesus we have to breed and train these kids young. Dont make them be lil pansies. They will get picked on and made fun of when they are young now do u want that for your kid no turn them into a juggernaut at birth and show them how to put the fear of god into other lil kids.


haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

Okay, how about this...
Censorship is fine for little kids and toddlers, but when you are old enough to understand about you opinion on things and curse words, you won't need it because you have established that those comments are not to be used in certain situations. What I'm tryin' to say is that 1-12 years old, censors active, 12- rest of your life, no censors. Simple.

Double T said...

I think that censorship is not needed. Most of the time it is just annoying. But in certain times like when young children are watching or listening I think that those programs should be censored.

#one said...

Censorship is over rated..its stupid to have it because you know whats going to be said anyways so why not just let them say it.people are ggoing to learn to swear when they get older so censorship should just be out of the picture.

chadjohnson said...

Censorship is ridiculous to me because once all the little kids that "shouldnt" hear things or see wrong things hit public school theyre gonna hear and see crap that the are gonn wish they didnt.

alyssa*ashley said...

i think that censorship should be we can buy movies rated or unrated. i think that should be how it is for everything. like we should be able to pick cable and satelite packages with or without censoring. that way if a parent wants things censored for their kids they can and at the same time if a young adult wants their t.v shows uncensored then they can have it their way too. same should go for the radio..i mean you can buy a sirius or xm radio and have things uncensored..but i don't think we should have to pay for those kind of things. besides think about it, when someone swears on the t.v, even though they bleep it out, we all still know what there saying!!!

the66omen6 said...

Censor ship should be reduced.... Not completly taken away though. I don't watch that much TV but I do think they censor a little too much

Double T said...

God. Censoriship is pointless. AMEN!!!

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

I agree with you the66omen6.

StArKTheSharK said...

I think censorship is the worst thing that was ever created. When people use "bad words" they are just expressing how they feel. We shouldn't have our freedom taken away to say the things we want to say.That is why our freedom of speech was created in the first place.If people dont like the material on TV or radio they can just change the channel. I understand that some things may be offensive to some people but they also have the right to block those channels.What may be offensive to them may be someone elses favorite show. Like i know my mom hates Desperate Housewives so she doesnt watch it. But on the other hand I watch it because it entertains me. Its as simple as that. You watch what you feel is appropiate for you and if you dont like what your young kids are watching you can block it.

Aphrodite said...

I think that when we use censors on things we are avoiding reality and making a bigger deal out of things beause we are censoring them. If people use censors to avoid things its only going to lead to an intrest in the things we avoid. The idea behind censoring is fine and dandy but in reality it is covering the topic and creating problems.

Word of advise... follow god's word!!!!

Ricky said...

I think censorship is whack. It is pointless because everybody already has heard or seen this stuff, or will, so why prolong the process.

lallo said...

Censorship is one of thing that will open many issues. It's a can of worms that you have to deal with. Some censoring is straight dumb like ones on music and books. There are going to be people that are write about issues or use inappropriate words.Deal with it.Censorship and rap music is the main issue today. It's not giving the artist their given right of freedom of speech, which politicans or government officials can't doing anything about.Censorship should be in radio through like that what happen last year about the women's basketball teams.Issues like that should not be on the radio.Having censorship in tv is dumb there's going to be few "bad words" not going hurt anyone.

Alax said...

well censorship is kinda stupid. i believe if you dont wanna see or hear a certain thing you dont have to.

P.S. life's a garden just dig it..

dog lover said...

i think that it is wrong because you lear nfrom things that are not censored.

Alfalfa said...

BAERBAER you said exactly what i used to think-"what makes these words so bad you shouldn't say them?" It's not that their bad i think, it's more you shouldn't say them in public. For instance, the word F*ck describing sex, would not be used in a general area where there are many people around. Same with saying Sh*t instead of Poo. You wouldn't just shout out POO in a public place. So basically, because they aren't used in public, they are percieved as being 'bad".

cat man eats toes said...
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MarSean23 said...
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cat man eats toes said...
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cat man eats toes said...

saltine is freekin sweet

ps america rocks

Dusky Twilight said...

Censorship, America is to damn strict! if you go to other countries for example, swearing and perverted things are a fact of life in there cartoons FOR CHILDREN America is waaaaaay behind on that stupid fact that Tv, Schools, and other public places cannot protect us from the sting of reality. Honestly. -.- Sheltering us is only going to smother us. Just the other day I was listening to a song on the radio. They bleeped out words. And I loved that song it annoyed me to the point here I began to shout at my radio ^^;

MarSean23 said...

i think censorship is real dumb.. i agree wit kody.. south park and family guy r prob the best shows on tv.. things would be a lot better on tv if show producers could say w/e they wanted.. entertainment wouldnt be so predictable..

paigeisgod said...

censorship makes sense to a certain degree. like television and the radio, but they have taken it too far. the thing that bothers me the most is when they censor god, why is that offensive? with things such as the 50 cent cd, let him say what he wants, you dont have to hear it unless you buy it.

boy u stank take a bath said...

If everything wasn't censored we would be used to what we know as being "innappropriate" therefore it would be socially accepted and we would think nothing of it

lizzygirl2008 said...

It the 2008 and every thing is so out their in the open. Many people don't care what they do . ZBut for me i think that we should have .Thing to be open and out their. As people we learn from other problems. Little kids this days have lear more then what i knu at the age . "ALL THE LITTLE NICE WORDS".!!!

lizzygirl2008 said...

It the 2008 and every thing is so out their in the open. Many people don't care what they do . ZBut for me i think that we should have .Thing to be open and out their. As people we learn from other problems. Little kids this days have lear more then what i knu at the age . "ALL THE LITTLE NICE WORDS".!!!

georgia said...

i think that janet jackson is stupid, south park is dumb and family guy is funner than south park
i don't iknow about 50 cents new album.

-[]-[]-<>[]-[]- said...

when i think of censorship it doesn't really bother if someone is swearing or if its blocked out. when i listen to music no of the words are censored anyways so im use to heraing the bad language. i know its bad but everyone does it. but that still doesn't make it ok

Levitas Navarius said...

just because people say something that might be offensive to someone they don't say it. The same thing is with censorship it really sucks because if i don't want people to say what they want then i'm pretty sure that we are taking the american dream down in a ball of friggin' fire! (didn't swear because I want to have this post actually be seen) In my opinon i think that since i am a legal adult i should be able to say F*CK this! Come on now wtf is up with censorship?!!? *Gives Censored Sign the Finger* lol

geekchic said...

Ironically enough, we are doing a censorship project in JCC english. I believe that censorship, for the most part, is a good thing. Like, for example, on TV. If one uses the f-word, or another severe word like that, sure it should be censored.Just a simple*beep* is all i'm asking for. No big deal. Its network tv for pete's sake. If one wants to hear that kind of language, just buy the DVD; or watch HBO. However, when it comes to book censorship, i am totally, 100% against it. It is your choice whether or not to read the book, so if you don't like it, DON'T READ IT!!!