Sunday, October 28, 2007

Operation: Loner

So you all know me and my -sometimes- obssessive nature regarding the environment. (Like that? My "nature" and the "environment"? Nevermind.) I believe we should live symbiotically with Nature as she will win, eventually. Instead of being wasteful, we should lessen our impact and take care of the world in which we live. Okay, you have heard this all before. I will get to my point.

Often there are times when many of you disagree with me and think, "Why bother? Our kids can clean up our mess." (That hurts me to even write that.) Well, I feel alone but I still adamantly stand behind what I belive in.

My question to you is: Think about a time when you did not agree with your friends. Did you decide to go with the majority or stick to your guns? What was the topic? Do you think a majority of people would rather just "go with the flow" or be like a salmon and "swim upstream"? Why?


Chrissi said...

just checking if my name works.

Levitas Navarius said...

Well on the fact that Ms Geist is a loner for the envirnment, not true I also feel that way. My kids will pay for my mistakes that I make now so why would I want to harm the world that my kids will have to live in? On the other subject umm.. lets see I chose to go with my origanal decision no matter what my friends said. The situation was about dating a girl my friends didn't like. But hey I did it anyway oh well.

stupidgirl said...

Geist your right about the environment. My friend and I did a project last year on it and if we recycle it saves SO much energy. But, anyway I have done several things my friends have not agreed with. One of them is going back to my boyfriend. I think the decisions I do that my friends don't agree with has made us not as close as we used to. But if my close friends don't want to talk because of what I do then maybe they aren't my real friends. I could care less though because most of the time I am happy with my decisions.

$ Kody Hill $ said...

When there is a disagreement I like to stick with my guns. I will respect other people’s arguments but if I know they are wrong I will stand up for what I agree in. I think the majority of the people just "go with the flow" because it’s so much easier to agree with some one than to argue.

L's Army said...

I agree, it can be so much easier to just go along with things, rather than fighting them. But it's the quickest way to lose yourself.

BaerBaer said...

If you feel your alone your wrong.................the world's over populated!!!!

ThunderStorm said...

I like to stick to my guns. I stand up for thingsI believe in and ussually don't change unless I am given a good reason.Ever since I 've been little I've considered myself a leader. Im Joe Tyler... I do what I want....

your*mom said...

There are a lot of times that i disagree with my friends. If i didn't what fun would it be? :) Just the other night a friend of mine wanted me to g out with her but sometimes i just don't feel like it i just like to do my own thing. I think a majority of the people just do what everyone else does because they feel like they can't have their own opinion.

Jake the snake said...

Hey, we are all loners. To make a comment on Geist's blog you have to be a loner. (A cool loner though)

cindy love said...

kody u have no guns

BaerBaer said...

TO stupid girl.
ok well all i can say is that suck's sometimes the people you think are your friend's really aren't you think they are but you just find out they aren't what you thought. then most time they are right. i think your friend's are only trying to protect you and there is obveusly a reason they are telling you not to go back to him. I can't say you being happy is wrong and if you think that this best thing go for it. BUT don't be dumb think about what your friend's are saying. you think they arent your true friend's well maybe their right about your boyfriend. look deeper into your boyfriend and find out all the fact's before you dive into a pool of regret. you'll loss your friends if your not careful.. friend's are forever boy's are just a two second thing!!

your*mom said...

Kody I will stand up to you any day of my life. Kiddin i would so have your back, on days your nice to me. I agree though it gets stressful arguing.

stupidgirl said...

to bearbear
from an outsiders point of view your right, boys are just a two second thing and friends are forever. but my boyfriend probably is the best thing that happened to me and my friends dont know him to judge him. but its a long story.

BaerBaer said...

to stupid girl.... trust me i know what you mean. i have been dateing my boyfriend for almost a year ow and he is the best thing i have ever had... trust me i have been in some preety bad relationships. my friend's always say i'm with him all the time when the trueth is i can't see him enough. my first long turm realtionship put a big dent with my friends. i learned just to look at everything you know. just tell your friends how much he means to you if they don't get that they can hit the road. lol friends are important and they'll always be there but make sure if this is the really deal with this guy then your friends are the realy deal too. if theor really your friends they'll understand

BaerBaer said...

to stupid girl.... trust me i know what you mean. i have been dateing my boyfriend for almost a year ow and he is the best thing i have ever had... trust me i have been in some preety bad relationships. my friend's always say i'm with him all the time when the trueth is i can't see him enough. my first long turm realtionship put a big dent with my friends. i learned just to look at everything you know. just tell your friends how much he means to you if they don't get that they can hit the road. lol friends are important and they'll always be there but make sure if this is the really deal with this guy then your friends are the realy deal too. if theor really your friends they'll understand

Yoda said...

Kody you argue all the time you

stupidgirl said...

to bearbear,
ya i know what you mean almost two years for me and my boyfriend. and i did tell my friends how important he is to me and it kind of seperated who really cared about me and who could care less, but sometimes i miss the old days and i get why they dont like him because of what he did but he changed and they dont get that.

Sanitarium said...

If i know i am right, i will always stick up for what is right..but if i am doing something that is already wrong...i will probably just keep doing what is wrong because it really doesnt matter to me. So, be as you are, evil, good, a back stabber, enjoy life and have as much fun as you can...and pile garabage everywhere..lots of it....untill the earth explodes.

haCkER ALiAs 101 said...

No matter what other people are doing, I always stay loyal to my beliefs. I don't change for anyone, that's how I am, I guess. I don't know, I just think you should stand up for your beliefs regardless of what others think, I mean come on people, it's High School! Is it really going to matter what people think of you in 10 or 15 years?! Wake up!

Issy Lou said...

Haha... "I'm Joe Tyler I do what I want" are a funny funny boy Ronald. that made my day.

Anonymous said... lie, not a bad thing, but you lie, and most of the ppl that say they stick to their gun, they lie too, who are you lieing to? yourself obviously, i mean some of your beliefs and reasons are based on your friends, so how can you say their your own....but either way you lied, everyone including myself has did something the havn't believed in.

alyssa*ashley said...

well, typically if i disagree with my friends or anybody for that matter, it ends up being a situation where we agree to disagree, they do what they want and if i don't agree with it i just don't join in and vice versa. But i hardly ever get into arguments with anybody probably because i let everyone have their own opinion on things, and i don't try to push my opinion on them.

Ricky said...

Sometimes it is better to disagree and do your own thing, it depends on the situation. On the other hand, sometimes it is better to just go with the flow and things will work out smoother. This decision depends on the situation and the people you are dealing with.

okaykaykay said...

chrissi, i do believe that your name works quite eliquently. just letting u know :)

Issy Lou said...

To StupidGirl and BaerBaer,
i totally understand where ur both coming from on the boyfriend thing. i have been with my boyfriend for almost two years now as well and he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and he's my world. but anyways, in the beginning when i first starting dating him, i had a friend that didnt really "approve" of him because of some of the bad stuff in his past...but that was the past...and he changed all his bad habits for me, and finally i got this friend of mine to realize that. and now she really see's how great my boyfriend has made my life, how awesome of a guy he is, and how great he treats yay now everyone is happy. so, all u gotta do is really talk to your friends and make them realize how u truly feel, and have your friends get to know him better. the problem with people today is that...they judge way too fr**kin much and way too fr**kin soon before they even know the person...and really, its your life, you make your decisions no one else...and hey if your happy then thats awesome, and if your friends dont get that, maybe their really not truly your friends...yeah so thats how i live, i do what i want, whatevr makes me happy and if someone doesnt like that then, well that sucks for them i guess..too bad...=]

Environmental HAZARD said...

hi geist i'm dissapointed that this question isn't about the environment

The Ghost said...

environmental hazard, this post is -indirectly- about the environment and I am glad that you did not somehow twist it into killing all the trees or something else just as horrific!

ice veins, you hit it on the nose. Nice.

saltine said...

i like pizza!!!

saltine said...

with cheeze!!!

boy u stank take a bath said...

There was one mistake in this thing I just spelled believe "belive"

To answer your question, yes I have had disagreements with my friends and sometimes I keep my mouth shut but most of the time I do speak my mind and stick to what I believe is right. I also think that most people, if they were salmon, would not swim upstream. They would just stay with the other fish or whatever.

dog lover said...

who cares some people lie just for their own good everybody lie's at one point or another everybody has to.

Alax said...

Well i feel that most people no matter what the situation is go with the majority because they don't want to feel like an outsider. It isn't the right thing to do by any means but that is how life works.

paigeisgod said...

when my friends want to do something and i dont i simply say no. if they get mad, too bad i dont want to. i feel thats a good thing because i dont feel pressured by what they say. i only give in if its something they really want, like going to someones house. im so nice.

Alfalfa said...

I think going with the flow shows imaturity. The more you stand up for what you belive in, the more mature you are. The more you have relized what the world is about, and how what you do will make a difference. Me, I usually dont say anything unless asked my opinion. Sometimes, after the fact, I'll think about it and realize I should have spoke up. Other times, when I think back I see it was smart to not say anything. It's a win-lose situation pretty much.

cat man eats toes said...
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cat man eats toes said...
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Alfalfa said...

me to

saltine said...

who is cat man eats toes???

saltine said...
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paigeisgod said...

pizza is pretty tasty

MarSean23 said...

i cant think of an exact time..sometimes i argue sometimes i agree .. depends on the day im havin.. if im not in the mood i will jus agree n go wit wut they r sayin .. if im in the mood to argue i will.. and say wut i feel

the66omen6 said...
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darkened angel said...

Everytime I disagree with my friends I stick with my guns and stand up for what I believe in... I don't like other people disgreeing with me (just like any other person) and when they do and I know that I am right I stick with it and don't back down. Of course everybody would rather "go with the flow" because it's so much EASIER than doing what's right... and seeing as this upcoming generation is so lazy what do you expect?