Thursday, April 10, 2008


We have been blogging now for quite a few months. I would like to know your thoughts on it. I have enjoyed it (mostly). I like reading your opinions and I think that having the guise of a screen name allows you to post your ideas without being singled out by your friends and classmates.

How do you feel about the blogs? Do you like them? Are you going to do them in the future (i.e. create your own blogs)? Did you like the posts? Did you like the idea of "guest posting"?

I am currently thinking about what I want to keep next year and this is one opinion I would really like to hear.


Kara said...

I think blogging is cool and different for english. i like it because we can tell and say anything that is on our minds. In the future I probably won't continue doing this. One reason is time, I'd rather be out then sitting on the computer all day. I do think that it is really awesome to see and read what others have to say about topics and it is a nice way for people who are shy and can't raise their voice on issues.

Jake the snake said...

I think blogging is nice. I probably won't do it in the future though, but I think its been cool in class.

stupidgirl said...

deffinatly keep this for next is cool to hear everones opinion and be able to write anything you want without people knowing who you are.

Levitas Navarius said...

Blogging is cool but at the same time......nah blogging rocks!

seashell said...

I don't like blogging.

~unsociable*molly~ said...

I LOVE BLOGGING! it's fun to see everyones opinion and their take on your opinion. I wish we weren't so pressured to get it done quickly,but i understand the need for it. i love how our class can bond. keep this for next year geisty. said...

you should really keep the blogging. it's cool and something we don't get to do in any other class. It's nice to see what other people think about other things.

L's Army said...

Blogging is my favorite aspect of English! No lie. Who doesn't worship their own opinions? But I doubt I'd put in the time and effort it takes to actually write my own blog.

bees4everLOL said...

i liked blogging - it is like discussion but you also hear the oppinion of these that normally never talk!

BaerBaer said...

i liked bolgging . it never bothered me to do any of the work and in fact it never felt like work to beging with. i though it was nice to talk about things and get a grade on my thought. it hink you should keep going with blogging.