Thursday, April 10, 2008

Women's Rights

All I have to say is:


Too many times "The Man" keeps us down.

Ladies, do you agree?

Gentlemen, do you?


Levitas Navarius said...

Well yes women rock, but you need to stop complaining! Seriously ladies we have kept you back but come on enough is enough. Stop bitching and start doing something!

stupidgirl said...

yea men suck that is about it.

DAMSER said...

women do rock. sometimes they keep us down. but when they dont want to do they same thing we do they have to complain then make the day bad. then you get home they usually say "yeah today wasnt that bad" i agree for the most part. because women shouldnt let men keep them back.

~unsociable*molly~ said...

i hate it when all guys assume i am weak and helpless because i am a woman. I appreciate the help sometimes,i know i have limitations.However it is rediculous when they won't let me carry something i know i can, they assume i am to small. Along with the stereotypes that women are weak,i get talked down to. I may look like i am twelve but respect my intelligence ok? i'm not stupid because i am a woman.

L's Army said...

Hey, I love guys. They're all amusing, and some of them aren't too bad on the eyes. It's the fact that they have all the money and power in the world that frightens me.

But remember, as annoying as guys can be, there's nothing worse than a bitch.

seashell said...

Women and Men both ROCK! I love men ;) and I love my girls too. I think that both sides have equally miss treated the other. Sad...but true.

*when worst comes to GIRLS come first*

stupidgirl said...

unsociable molly i totally agree with you. my mom didnt get her bosses job when he quit because she is a short woman. but when the new boss came she had to teach him how to do his job and still does it for him. so pretty much they didnt let her have the job that would bring in 11,000 more a year which would of really helped. and all because she is a short woman.

Chrissi said...

I personally dont let anyone keep me from my goals. Just because im a woman dose not mean I'm "Weaker" then menim just as strong and i love proving men wrong they think they can handle everything Ha! Us women have have to do so much more then men through our lifetime... why do you think women give birth? men couldn't handle it even if they didn't have weiners!

Dietz said...

UH OK SO... Women have been fighting for their rights for numerous amounts of years unlike the common man who has just had them handed to them on a silver platter and got a foot rub to go with it. Oh and i'm wondering who that foot rub was given by... Oh prolly a women cause men are too arogent in their pride to do it them selves of people might think that they are homosexual... but let me tell you women are sick of having to be there waiting over men hand and literally foot. We women go out into the world with a disadvantage knowing that we are already getting looked down upon and we don't even get equal salaries. with the equal education men always come out on top.. Oh and to Levitas Navarius you really don't know that you are talki9ng about when you yourself is a man that is bitching about us so give it up! Cause you will lose.

Hattori said...

First thing, "stupidgirl" that is the most ignorant comment a person can make on this subject. That statement shouts "I have nothing to add to this so I'll make a febale attempt to butcher a whole gender. Secondly like levitas said stop bitching you have the same rights as us, you feel short sticked get a sex change.

~unsociable*molly~ said...

thank you stupidgirl(funny name for this post) my point exactly. short woman are looked down upon litteraly!

geekchic said...

I do agree women rock (not to dis men or anything. However, i am a firm believer in character, and just because a person is a female doesn't make them a good person, and just because a person is a male doesn't automatically make them bad. It is true though that women have had to fight for equal rights, and fight for respect.

BaerBaer said...

i do agree we do rock. i think that there should be womens rights and i think we have to fight for it but i think in some cases people have gone to fare just a tad. so clam down it will be ok.